Saturday, September 22, 2012

Forgotten lines...

#wrote this poem in 2010 in the college canteen, for someone who said to me that I never write poems for her. I did not archived this poem then in my collection, an year later she posted this poem as her Facebook status. Ironically, I could not recall that it was the same poem that I had written earlier. I wrote the second paragraph at that time as an explanation to this situation that words might be forgotten or they might not be there at all, but the feelings are always the same...

When words are not enough to express,
And I fail to impress,
Never think I don’t love you,
Coz it’s not about loving you,
It’s about loving my own self,
With the air of purity you gave,
In my life and made it beautiful,
Let me drenched in your everlasting fragrance,
Like dew drops settle on leaf buds,
Settle on my emotions, my heart,
For the time immemorial...

I might forget the words,
But feelings never change,
Words are just a medium to convey,
Might not be enough to take your heart away,
Don’t go by my words;
Some words are said in a fray,
Don’t go by my deeds,
Some deeds are done astray,
Don’t go by my heart,
Coz it may stop beating someday,
Remember the time we spent,
And Hope those memories never end.


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