Ever thought where this random life is taking us, the frivolities of our own desires cause me to rethink about what's past and present and the thin line separating the two. Somedays are great, some days are dull filled with sorrow and grief which seems so insurmountable at its very peak but vanishes suddenly with a mention of an ecstatic thought, are we designed this way or is it the years of evolution to become better than we are has caused these genetic changes not just in our bodily features but also in our minds.
Maybe, we have become more controlled by our circumstances, have given away to our limitations in a mad conquest of achieving success. Achievement, success have become the buzzwords; competition, rat race have been so ingrained in us that we can't think of a life beyond that. Some do it for richness, some want power and some desire fame.Some desire something called as 'Self Actualization'. But all these are not absolute terms and therein where lies the difficulty.
I write, but writing to satisfy my wits is one thing and writing to gain recognition, praise, money is other. Sure, one can always sell his work but the pleasure should not be traded off, the day an artist gives away the pleasure of art for lesser things in life the worship of the art is far left behind and the immortality in the work goes away for a toss. Because, when we do things with no ulterior desires be it good or bad, then are we truly getting connected to our being and thus we are free from the fruits of the results. But, is detachment of that order actually possible, or is it just what Gita preaches??
I would like to quote the great
Dalai Lama here:
Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.
The evolution of technology has surely been a great boon for mankind, not just technology per se but the overall betterment be it the infrastructure, industrial revolution, mechanization, swanky gadgets, medical science innovations have surely brought man a great deal of satisfaction and comfort. Created jobs, created people demanding jobs and also created joblessness in people. To my sheer bewilderment man is actually creating things for his comfort but mostly ignoring the fellow humans, creating bridges but not bridging the distances between two humans in plain and simple terms of mankind.
The disparity and divide, be it economic, social or political, is creating changes in our genes, we are becoming more susceptible to changes , but propensity towards embracing change is decreasing. The love for flora and fauna is getting lost and mechanization is ruling the roost. The desire factories have filled their chests while creating sets of consumers to buy their commodities, we have bigger wallets but smaller hearts.
Are we immortal? Is life permanent? Is anything permanent at all, the happiness, the grief, the pain, the hatred , the desires, the sorrows, the longings? when nothing is permanent why are we putting so much effort into it to land ourselves into greater difficulties? but even the difficulties are not permanent. What do we really want to achieve? Why do we want to achieve that? What is achievement actually?
Death is permanent, death is fixed, death is inevitable. But, does death really happens or is it a way to give us comfort, a desire of an happy ending to the misery. Misery, is life misery? or is life celebration? or is it nothing? just going on from one day to another. I am no one to define life, life cannot be defined because it can be anything for anyone, to relative to be absolute and too absolute to be relative.
Things sometime go in circles in my mind,maybe these are the methods to my madness? Who knows ? Maybe, life is just madness, maybe all our lives are someone's dream. Maybe someday 'HE' wakes up and ends it all, to a point blank.